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alternatives and steps 

Alternatives header

Click HERE to register for Alternatives Orientation online.

Alternatives Program Background

The Vera House Alternatives Program started in 1989 to provide a forum for men to learn:

  • that men have no right to control their partner 
  • that each person is completely responsible for his/her own behavior 
  • what domestic violence is and how it impacts the victim and children

Alternatives Program Principles

  • People can act non-violently in relationships. We can build healthy, respectful relationships.
  • Domestic violence or abuse is wrong. It is a crime. No one deserves to be abused. 
  • Abuse may be learned. However, it is always a conscious choice.
  • Traditionally, men have had power over women in our society. Violence and abuse have, unfortunately, been effective means to maintain this injustice.
  • Abuse is used to control one's partner. 
  • Only the person who commits the violence can stop it. Reasons like “I lost control,” “she/he provoked me” or ”I was drunk“ are excuses to avoid responsibility. 
  • Domestic abuse is not ”mental illness.” Men learn to be violent from social messages, peer encouragement and family role models. 
  • Accepting responsibility for one's actions is the first step to change. 

WHAT is Alternatives?

Alternatives is a 15-class program with weekly classes (1.5 hours). Review our Alternatives Program flyer for more information.

Attending Alternatives in no way ensures that the person will stop their abuse or violence. 

WHEN is Alternatives?

Orientations are held the first and third Wednesday of each month at 5:15 PM.  Click HERE to register for orientation online.

Weekly classes are held at various days and times.

2025 Alternatives Orientation Dates - Mens Group @5:15pm

  • Jan. 8th and 22nd
  • Feb. 5th and 19th
  • Mar. 5th and 19th
  • Apr. 2nd and 16th
  • May 7th and 21st
  • Jun. 4th and 18th
  • July 2nd and 16th
  • August 6th and 20th
  • September 3rd and 17th
  • Oct 1st and 15th
  • Nov 5th and 19th
  • Dec 3rd and 17th

*Program closed from December 22nd, 2025 - January 5th, 2026

WHERE is Alternatives?

Classes are located at 449 E. Washington Street (corner of Townsend).

Program Cost?

Fees are on a sliding scale as follows:

Homeless/Residential Facility

CPS $1
Unemployed With Residence  $10
Employed Part-Time $20
Employed Full-Time  $30

For More Information 

Please click HERE to email the Alternatives Program Coordinator or call (315) 425-0818.


Steps Program image

Click HERE to register for STEPS Orientation online.

What is STEPS?

STEPS is a domestic violence education program designed to challenge the beliefs and attitudes of women who have been abusive to their partners or ex-partners. STEPS work closely with the criminal justice system, advocating that women be held accountable for their abusive behavior. Attending STEPS in no way ensures that a person will stop their abuse and violence. 

STEPS is a 15-class program with weekly classes (1.5 hours). Review our STEPS Program flyer for more information. 

Where is STEPS?

STEPS classes are located at 449 E. Washington Street (corner of Townsend).

STEPS Orientation:

Orientation sessions are held the first and third Monday of each month from 4:30 — 5:30 PM. To participate in the STEPS program, email the Program Coordinator to schedule your initial orientation. On the date of your STEPS orientation, please arrive no later than 4:15 PM with your orientation fee (see chart below). Fees are on a sliding scale as follows:

Homeless/Residential Facility $0
CPS $1
Unemployed With Residence  $10
Employed Part-Time $20
Employed Full-Time  $30

When is STEPS?

STEPS classes are held on Mondays from 5:30 — 7:00 PM

2025 STEPS Orientation Dates - Womens Group @4:30pm

  • Jan 6th (no group Jan 20th, MLK day)
  • Feb 3rd  (no group Feb 17th, Presidents Day)
  • March 3rd and 17th
  • Apr 7th and 21st
  • May 5th and 19th
  • June 2nd and 16th
  • July 7th and 21st
  • Aug 4th and 18th
  • September 15th (no group Sept 1st, Labor Day)
  • Oct 6th and 20th
  • Nov 3rd and 17th
  • Dec 1st and 15th

*Program closed from December 22nd, 2025 - January 5th, 2026

For More Information:

Please click HERE to email the STEPS Program Coordinator or call (315) 425-0818. 

Accessibility Icons

Vera House is committed to ensuring our programs and services are welcoming to everyone. If you need assistance to ensure our services meet your needs, please call us at 315-425-0818 or click HERE to send an e-mail.