Campus Advocacy and Prevention Team

With the passage of the NYS Enough is Enough Law (Education law 129b), the Vera House Campus Advocacy and Prevention Team was created to help support colleges and universities in Onondaga County become and maintain compliance under the law. The Campus Team seeks to educate, train and empower local college and university communities in the elimination of sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. The Vera House Campus Team involves:
- Accessible crisis intervention services to student victims and survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking
- Advocate for students victims (e.g. file for an order of protection, work with Title IX Coordinator on accommodations, accompany students victims to court)
- Support students victims in navigating systems on and off campus (e.g. student conduct process or broader legal system, serve as an advisor of choice during conduct process)
- Connect student victims to additional services
- Comprehensive, prevention-focused training and education for students, faculty, and staff on various topics including bystander intervention, trauma-informed care and domestic & sexual violence awareness
- Trauma-informed questioning for campus security/law enforcement
- Consultation for students, faculty, and staff, on-campus initiatives that seek to raise awareness and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. This includes, but is not limited to, initiatives such as:
- It's On Us
- Take Back The Night
- Peer-Led Initiatives
- Campus-Wide Panel Discussions
- Campus Team Roundtable
For more information or to bring our Campus Project to your college or university, please email our Campus Team Coordinator or call 315-425-0818 Ext 6012.
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